Saturday, January 30, 2010

Day 2 of Blogging

Well here we are - Day 2 of blogging and I already have one of the coolest headers around! A massive thanks to Salfrico who recently designed my rather fetching blue and orange logo. He then took the time to incorporate it into a header with nice background and a photo of me with my face screwed up pretending to take a photo! 

I was determined to upload at least a couple of photos today - after all this is meant to be blog about photography. So I figured I would go back to the end of 2005 when I got my first DSLR a Nikon D70s - which replaced my Olympus OM1-N purchased circa 1981 (as soon as someone says circa you know it was a long time ago!). 

I then discovered to my horror that most of my pictures back in 2005 were not as good as I remembered. Not that they are really terrible but just not that good when I look at what I hope to achieve these days - I guess I have made improvements in my photography since then which is a good thing! Anyway here are three from late 2005  taken with my D70s.

Runaway Bay - ISO 200 70mm f11 0.8 sec 

Runaway Bay - ISO 200 18mm f11 2 sec

Kingston - ISO 200 18mm f18  30 sec

1 comment:

  1. Wow Andy, if these are "not as good" as u say! I am a big fan of sunsets and I don't think you did anything wrong here! I like :-)
