Well not quite but I am surrounded by packers (literally) and they are closing in on the computer!!!!!! No time in recent weeks to post a blog as we prepared to leave and now the day has almost come. I will soon have my iMac prized from my fingers and then gently packed and put gently into a container and then gently shipped to the UK... yeah right..... pray for my computer and photographic gear!!!!!
It's going to take maybe 6 weeks or more to get the container to the UK and I will have to arrange internet connection etc so it may be a while before I get a chance to post anything. And then be prepared for shots that are predominantly grey, grey skies, grey landscapes, grey people.... oh s**t do I really have to go back?
So it's goodbye to my Jamaican bredrin' but as they say 'I'll be back'! Jamaica will always have very special memories for myself and my family. Please stay in touch via this blog and e-mail and I hope to see some of you on my home turf sometime.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Black River............ and another year older!
Birthdays..... I seem to have reached the age when you don't really seem to celebrate them quite as vigorously as before... in fact if truth be told I am generally content to let them pass me by quietly. Maybe it's something to do with realising that you probably have less years ahead of you than you have behind you!!!!
Almost certainly I would not be mentioning my birthday but the cat was let out of the bag by Julian when he blogged about our Black River jaunt. I had stayed overnight in Mandeville with my family and had showed the boys how to skateboard 'old school' style. This did involve me falling quite a lot and meant my hip was so badly bruised it was too painful to roll over in bed! I was glad for the excuse to get up early and drive to Black River.... I got to escape further skateboarding and spend some quiet time in a boat on the river. A nice way to spend your birthday!
So here are some of my shots from that morning ... all of them were taken from a moving boat so I upped the iso to 400 to achieve a higher shutter speed to compensate for the boat's movement.
Almost certainly I would not be mentioning my birthday but the cat was let out of the bag by Julian when he blogged about our Black River jaunt. I had stayed overnight in Mandeville with my family and had showed the boys how to skateboard 'old school' style. This did involve me falling quite a lot and meant my hip was so badly bruised it was too painful to roll over in bed! I was glad for the excuse to get up early and drive to Black River.... I got to escape further skateboarding and spend some quiet time in a boat on the river. A nice way to spend your birthday!
So here are some of my shots from that morning ... all of them were taken from a moving boat so I upped the iso to 400 to achieve a higher shutter speed to compensate for the boat's movement.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Milky Waterfall...............
Over two weeks and no posts!! Well just a quick one to prove I'm still alive.
She who must be obeyed: Ministry of Home Affairs: 'er indoors: the missus: Sexy P. I refer to my wife in many different ways depending on my mood and the situation. Exactly what I was calling her earlier in the month I cannot recall but she was the catalyst for this photo. She declared that she would like to have a photograph of a waterfall where 'the water looks all smooth'. She explained that when we return to the UK she wanted a nice relaxing picture in the home office/study where she can spend some 'me' time. (thats me as in her not me as in me if you get what I mean!)
So I uttered those three special words that are important for every man to learn when dealing with their wife/girlfriend: 'Do it yourself ' sorry I meant 'Yes, my dear' and set out to do as I was bid. I managed to find a suitable location thanks to my good friend Franz and tried out a few shots. It could have been nice and relaxing but I took my two son's with me - I guess the kindest thing to say is that they made it less relaxing but it was still fun.
One arrival the sun was causing some exposure problems with the rocks to the right of the fall getting blown out. I did bracket some exposures and may try and blend or perhaps HDR them another time (or find someone who's good at that stuff!). After a while though the angle of the sun changed and I was able to get the last few shots without the need for bracketing. Didn't hang around too long though as the mozzies were biting and the kids were getting restless. This is a single shot processed in Lightroom. The longer exposure was achieved by using an ND filter. On reflection I wish I had tried some shots with a polarizer but I forgot about it at the time. Mrs J likes it but not sure if it will be good enough to make it onto the wall of her office - may need to try some other falls before I leave! This is the full image - now I'm looking at it again I'm thinking that it would probably benefit from some cropping on the left and top to give more attention to the waterfall - decisions, decisions! Any views?
She who must be obeyed: Ministry of Home Affairs: 'er indoors: the missus: Sexy P. I refer to my wife in many different ways depending on my mood and the situation. Exactly what I was calling her earlier in the month I cannot recall but she was the catalyst for this photo. She declared that she would like to have a photograph of a waterfall where 'the water looks all smooth'. She explained that when we return to the UK she wanted a nice relaxing picture in the home office/study where she can spend some 'me' time. (thats me as in her not me as in me if you get what I mean!)
So I uttered those three special words that are important for every man to learn when dealing with their wife/girlfriend: 'Do it yourself ' sorry I meant 'Yes, my dear' and set out to do as I was bid. I managed to find a suitable location thanks to my good friend Franz and tried out a few shots. It could have been nice and relaxing but I took my two son's with me - I guess the kindest thing to say is that they made it less relaxing but it was still fun.
One arrival the sun was causing some exposure problems with the rocks to the right of the fall getting blown out. I did bracket some exposures and may try and blend or perhaps HDR them another time (or find someone who's good at that stuff!). After a while though the angle of the sun changed and I was able to get the last few shots without the need for bracketing. Didn't hang around too long though as the mozzies were biting and the kids were getting restless. This is a single shot processed in Lightroom. The longer exposure was achieved by using an ND filter. On reflection I wish I had tried some shots with a polarizer but I forgot about it at the time. Mrs J likes it but not sure if it will be good enough to make it onto the wall of her office - may need to try some other falls before I leave! This is the full image - now I'm looking at it again I'm thinking that it would probably benefit from some cropping on the left and top to give more attention to the waterfall - decisions, decisions! Any views?
ISO 200 29mm f16 1/2 sec ND filter
Saturday, February 6, 2010
To Buff Bay ......... and back
Everything was set-up.... I had a pass from the Ministry of Home Affairs (thanks Sexy P) and someone was researching accommodation options. I was cleaning lenses, charging batteries and looking forward to two nights at Black River with some fellow photographers - leave on Friday (yesterday) and come back Sunday - perfect! Or at least it would have been if I had paid attention to the dates on the e-mail - the trip is actually next weekend (when I can't make it) and I only realised on Wednesday night!
Julian Dadag - an accomplished Jamaican photographer was arranging the trip - check out his work - especially the landscapes.
Disappointed to be missing the outing but with Friday already booked as a day off work I was determined to do something and decided to take an early morning drive - and ended up driving to St Mary and a bit of Portland.
I'd been hoping for some nice morning light but I got drizzle and grey skies for the first few hours. I did however manage to get a couple of portraits that I like - the first is a guy who sells pots and pans from a roadside shack on the Road from Annotto Bay to Ocho Rios. And as today is Bob Marley's birthday it seems fitting to post a photo of a Rasta. Unfortunately I did not get his name but he remembered me from two months ago when we bought a coalpot and frying pan from him - it would have been better with some direct eye contact but here he is:
Julian Dadag - an accomplished Jamaican photographer was arranging the trip - check out his work - especially the landscapes.
Disappointed to be missing the outing but with Friday already booked as a day off work I was determined to do something and decided to take an early morning drive - and ended up driving to St Mary and a bit of Portland.
I'd been hoping for some nice morning light but I got drizzle and grey skies for the first few hours. I did however manage to get a couple of portraits that I like - the first is a guy who sells pots and pans from a roadside shack on the Road from Annotto Bay to Ocho Rios. And as today is Bob Marley's birthday it seems fitting to post a photo of a Rasta. Unfortunately I did not get his name but he remembered me from two months ago when we bought a coalpot and frying pan from him - it would have been better with some direct eye contact but here he is:
ISO 1600 150mm f2.8 1/160 sec
This next shot was taken at Devons Pen - the gentleman was sat at the side of the road watching the world go buy. Again I forgot to ask his name but just around the corner from him I stopped for a cup of crayfish soup and showed the lady serving the picture and asked if she knew his name - she recognised him immediately and said his name is Isiah. I started laughing to myself as this is the name that I had already jokingly given the man as it appeared to me that one 'eyes higher' than the other!!
ISO200 116mm f2.8 1/800 sec
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Downtown - Waterfront, Ocean Boulevard
Two more from 2006 - Mr Brown was living by the waterfront in downtown Kingston - under the carcas of an old overturned boat - I must re-visit and still if he is still around. His was a hand to mouth existence. He was boiling some little pieces of vegetable when I was there and preparing a rather large 'smoke' for the night ahead. Again I feel that I rushed this shot as I felt a little awkward imposing into his world - if I had more time (or confidence!) I would have changed my angle to improve the litter strewn background but it was really just a grab shot that caught his short lived smile.
A short distance way is the remains of a dock/pier destroyed years ago by a hurricane (Ivan? or maybe before that?) and as you can see I attempted a nice sunset shot shooting at 10mm on the old D70s - I remember being unhappy with the sharpness of the poles in the water until I revisited and realised that many of them were not fixed and I'd used a 10 second exposure hence the softness! But the 10 seconds helped make the surface of the water nice and smooth......

A short distance way is the remains of a dock/pier destroyed years ago by a hurricane (Ivan? or maybe before that?) and as you can see I attempted a nice sunset shot shooting at 10mm on the old D70s - I remember being unhappy with the sharpness of the poles in the water until I revisited and realised that many of them were not fixed and I'd used a 10 second exposure hence the softness! But the 10 seconds helped make the surface of the water nice and smooth......
ISO 200 70mm f4 1/250th sec

ISO 200 10mm f16 10 seconds
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Emancipate yourself from mental slavery...........
Still back in 2006 - I'm finding it difficult picking out pictures from the past - I guess that it is human nature to only really want to show your very best images and to my mind they are generally my most recent shots (although I'm not always too pleased with them). Anyhow here is a shot of the statues at Emancipation Park, Kingston on a moonlit night.

ISO 200 40mm f14 30 sec
Monday, February 1, 2010
Ok.... enough of the models - it's back to 2006 and a shot of a man known in Walkerswood as 'Grey Beard' and his friend chilling after work. I love the Jamaican pet or nicknames that you come across, it seems anyone who has had the misfortune of losing an eye, or a leg or an arm immediately becomes known as 'Oney' - sort of obvious and maybe a little insensitive but you immediately know who they mean. Among my personal favourites was the guy with extreme bow legs who was nick named 'Legs Diamond' and the all time classic 'Shit-a-bush' who apparently must have been witnessed answering a call of nature in the roadside vegetation!
This was one of my first attempts at street photography/portraits which meant engaging with the subjects in order to get to take a picture. It is not an easy thing to do and I remember feeling under pressure to get the shot quickly and trying not to draw to much attention to myself which lead to a somewhat disappointing shot. The point of focus was not great, I think I left it on autofocus and it probably needed a different aperture to get a greater depth of field. So not perfect but all part of the learning experience - I loved the Wray & Nephew Brandy wall painting which really puts it in context for me.
D70s ISO 200 18mm f3.5 1/50th Sec
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Day 2 of Blogging - Part 2!
Day 2 and the excitement of blogging has gone completely to my head - or it could be that the port I'm drinking is starting to take effect! Anyway I did say that I would be mixing new with old so I'm going to post some shots from a shoot today. I know I can hear you saying 'What is this?'. 'Two posts in a day!' 'He'll never keep this up!' And you are completely correct - I foresee days, weeks possibly months of no posts in the future but right now whilst the novelty factor reigns I predict posting like a mad man.
So today it was some photos for PATWA Apparel for a catalogue/brochure - studio shots with a white background. The shoot was fun and the models were great so it made for a fun day - the sort of day when I give thanks that I took up photography and gave up stamp collecting! Patwa is a Jamaican company producing high quality casual clothing with a Jamaican twist and is the work of Heneka Watkis - good luck Henny! Here are a couple of todays shots - could do with a touch more tidying up - but you will get the general idea!
Day 2 of Blogging
Well here we are - Day 2 of blogging and I already have one of the coolest headers around! A massive thanks to Salfrico who recently designed my rather fetching blue and orange logo. He then took the time to incorporate it into a header with nice background and a photo of me with my face screwed up pretending to take a photo!
I was determined to upload at least a couple of photos today - after all this is meant to be blog about photography. So I figured I would go back to the end of 2005 when I got my first DSLR a Nikon D70s - which replaced my Olympus OM1-N purchased circa 1981 (as soon as someone says circa you know it was a long time ago!).
I then discovered to my horror that most of my pictures back in 2005 were not as good as I remembered. Not that they are really terrible but just not that good when I look at what I hope to achieve these days - I guess I have made improvements in my photography since then which is a good thing! Anyway here are three from late 2005 taken with my D70s.
I was determined to upload at least a couple of photos today - after all this is meant to be blog about photography. So I figured I would go back to the end of 2005 when I got my first DSLR a Nikon D70s - which replaced my Olympus OM1-N purchased circa 1981 (as soon as someone says circa you know it was a long time ago!).
I then discovered to my horror that most of my pictures back in 2005 were not as good as I remembered. Not that they are really terrible but just not that good when I look at what I hope to achieve these days - I guess I have made improvements in my photography since then which is a good thing! Anyway here are three from late 2005 taken with my D70s.
Runaway Bay - ISO 200 70mm f11 0.8 sec
Runaway Bay - ISO 200 18mm f11 2 sec
Kingston - ISO 200 18mm f18 30 sec
Friday, January 29, 2010
Welcome to the World of Blogging?
Okay.......... so what do I do now? Blogging....... isn't that for sad people with no lives and only 'virtual' friends? Great! I fit the bill perfectly! Lol - I can't believe I'm typing 'Lol' that's text speak for teenagers on their Smart phones - not for men of my age - damn, perhaps this is the mid life crisis I keep hearing about! I know I'm due one but I'd rather hoped it would mean getting a sports car and dating girls half my age not typing like a spotty adolescent!
Enough of my ramblings - those of you that know me will acknowledge that I am not the most IT competent person you are likely to meet - not bad but not good - and that is probably one of the reasons that I have never quite got around to starting this blog. I have thought about it for some time and enjoy looking at the work of others but I'm not sure that it is really for me. Will anyone be interested? Isn't it just a bit vain to be displaying your photos? Perhaps it's that feeling of 'I'm not worthy'! Despite the constant encouragement (nagging!) of my wife and some friends (yes, you Mr Salfrico) I've just not really been 'feeling it' - but I've decided to give it a go.
I've managed to put aside my natural tendency to concentrate on the negative and believe that a blog will be a good way to share my love of photography with like minded individuals including my Jamaican friends! With my impending return to England, land of cold weather and warm beer, it will provide a way of maintaining contact and hopefully it will spur me on to continue to develop.
Photography has been a part of my life since I was a teenager but when I started full time work at 19 it just sort of faded away whilst I concentrated on my career. The career went okay and I managed to find time to get married (hi Sexy P) and have two great son's (hi Christian & Joshua) - but still no time for photography. In 2005 my career was going well enough to get me a posting to Jamaica and thats when I managed to get back into picture making.
I'm going to use this blog to show some of my shots since arriving in Jamaica along with new material as it happens so there should be a variety of photos although I do tend to gravitate towards people rather than landscapes. I hope that you like some of my work .............. watch this space.......
Enough of my ramblings - those of you that know me will acknowledge that I am not the most IT competent person you are likely to meet - not bad but not good - and that is probably one of the reasons that I have never quite got around to starting this blog. I have thought about it for some time and enjoy looking at the work of others but I'm not sure that it is really for me. Will anyone be interested? Isn't it just a bit vain to be displaying your photos? Perhaps it's that feeling of 'I'm not worthy'! Despite the constant encouragement (nagging!) of my wife and some friends (yes, you Mr Salfrico) I've just not really been 'feeling it' - but I've decided to give it a go.
I've managed to put aside my natural tendency to concentrate on the negative and believe that a blog will be a good way to share my love of photography with like minded individuals including my Jamaican friends! With my impending return to England, land of cold weather and warm beer, it will provide a way of maintaining contact and hopefully it will spur me on to continue to develop.
Photography has been a part of my life since I was a teenager but when I started full time work at 19 it just sort of faded away whilst I concentrated on my career. The career went okay and I managed to find time to get married (hi Sexy P) and have two great son's (hi Christian & Joshua) - but still no time for photography. In 2005 my career was going well enough to get me a posting to Jamaica and thats when I managed to get back into picture making.
I'm going to use this blog to show some of my shots since arriving in Jamaica along with new material as it happens so there should be a variety of photos although I do tend to gravitate towards people rather than landscapes. I hope that you like some of my work .............. watch this space.......
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